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Explore premier women's dancewear in Australia
Discover our women's dancewear, crafted to meet the needs of dancers across Australia. From elegantly designed tops and leotards to functional skirts, our selection caters to every dancer's requirements.
Our product range extends beyond traditional dancewear to include essentials such as underwear specifically designed for dance, ensuring complete comfort and support under any dance outfit for women. We also offer an array of dance shoes and accessories, making Energetiks a one-stop shop for all your dancewear needs.
Advanced fabric technology for enhanced dance performance
At Energetiks, our cutting-edge fabric technology sets our women's dance costumes apart. Developed to meet the specific demands of dancers, our ProForm™ and CottonLuxe™ fabrics are engineered to offer exceptional stretch and recovery, ensuring that each garment conforms perfectly to your movements without losing shape.
Committed to community
Our dedication extends beyond the creation of world-class dancewear — we're also committed to enriching the dance community. Energetiks actively supports local dance festivals, workshops and educational programs that aim to foster the development of dance as an art form in Australia.
Shop women's dancewear from Enegetiks today
Whether you're a professional dancer or just beginning your dance journey, our collection of women's dancewear in Australia offers you the quality, style and functionality you need to excel. Shop women's dancewear from Enegetiks today!
Why should I choose Energetiks for my dancewear?
Energetiks offers a comprehensive range of high-quality dancewear designed to meet the needs of dancers across all disciplines. Our products are known for their durability, comfort, and style, ensuring that dancers feel supported and look elegant, whether in class, rehearsal or on stage.
What kind of dancewear can I find for women at Energetiks?
Our women’s dance costume collection includes a wide range of products, such as leotards, leggings, pants, tops and more, all designed to offer functionality and style from warm-up sessions to various dance styles.
What kind of dancewear can I find for men at Energetiks?
For men, we offer tops, leggings, pants, shoes and more.
What kind of dancewear can I find for girls at Energetiks?
Our girls' range features everything young dancers need, including leotards, tops, leggings and dance shoes.
What kind of dancewear can I find for boys at Energetiks?
For boys, we provide items such as leotards, tops, leggings and shoes.
Do you have stores I can visit?
Yes, we have several retail locations that you can visit. Please use our store locator to find the nearest store.
Do you ship Australia-wide and globally?
Yes, we offer shipping both within Australia and internationally.
- 30mm 1 items
- Agave 1 items
- Aqua 2 items
- Assorted 5 items
- Aubergine 14 items
- Azure 9 items
- Baby Blue 13 items
- Ballet 2 items
- Ballet Pink 9 items
- Beige 32 items
- Berry 13 items
- Black 345 items
- Black Sports Mesh 3 items
- Black Tech Mesh 1 items
- Blonde 24 items
- Blonde Brown 5 items
- Blue 4 items
- Botanica 8 items
- Brown 8 items
- Burgundy 12 items
- Burnt Scarlet 1 items
- Buttermilk 1 items
- Candy 14 items
- Cerise 14 items
- Chai 2 items
- Charcoal 2 items
- Christmas 2 items
- Clear 15 items
- Cobalt 35 items
- Cornflower 8 items
- Darjeeling 1 items
- Dark 2 items
- Dark Brown 20 items
- Dark Camel 1 items
- Dark Grey 1 items
- Dark Tan 1 items
- Deep Purple 32 items
- Design 1 8 items
- Design 2 8 items
- Design 3 7 items
- Design 4 4 items
- Dewberry 5 items
- Dusty Pink 4 items
- Electric Blue 32 items
- Fern 3 items
- Flesh 1 items
- Fluro Lime 12 items
- Fuchsia 6 items
- Garam Masala 1 items
- Gemini 2 items
- Gold 2 items
- Grape 2 items
- Graphite 1 items
- Green Apple 8 items
- Grey 3 items
- Grey Marle 6 items
- Heel Screws 1 items
- Honey 1 items
- Honey Blonde 2 items
- Hot Pink 17 items
- Hunter 2 items
- Indigo 2 items
- Iridescent 1 items
- Jacaranda 13 items
- Jade 1 items
- Jazz 2 items
- Jazz Tan 1 items
- Jazzy Tan 1 items
- Latte 1 items
- Lavender 2 items
- Lemon 3 items
- Light Blonde 5 items
- Light Brown 22 items
- Light Camel 1 items
- Light Tan 4 items
- Lilac 25 items
- Lunar 6 items
- Magenta 3 items
- Marine 1 items
- Maroon 1 items
- Mauve 5 items
- Mauve Haze 16 items
- Medium Brown 3 items
- Midnight Blue 2 items
- Mint 13 items
- Mocha 7 items
- Mulberry 42 items
- Musk 9 items
- Natural 1 items
- Natural Tan 3 items
- Navy 53 items
- Neon Green 1 items
- Neon Pink 1 items
- Neutral 2 items
- No Colour 1 items
- Oat 1 items
- Orange 2 items
- Orange Sherbert 8 items
- Orchid 12 items
- Original 1 items
- Party Purple 50 items
- Pastel 3 items
- Pecan 4 items
- Pink 49 items
- Pink Champagne 7 items
- Premium 1 items
- Punk Pink 27 items
- Purple 12 items
- Rainbow 1 items
- Raspberry 3 items
- Red 71 items
- Rose Pink 7 items
- Sage 8 items
- Salmon Pink 13 items
- Sandy Brown 4 items
- Sandy Red 6 items
- Sea Mist 12 items
- Silver 13 items
- Silver Bullet 10 items
- Sky 6 items
- Slate 10 items
- Smoke 1 items
- Strawberry Blonde 6 items
- Sun Tan 4 items
- Sunburst 2 items
- Tan 38 items
- Tap 2 items
- Teal 11 items
- Theatrical Pink 15 items
- Toe Screws 1 items
- Turquoise 35 items
- Vibrant Green 35 items
- Viva 1 items
- Wheat 22 items
- White 76 items
- Yellow 1 items
- 0-$20 2 items
- $20-$40 1 items
- $40-$60 1 items